The trial version of the Securities Depository Center website was launched in cooperation with Blue Ray Software Solutions Company, within the framework of continuous development and the constant endeavor to improve the user experience, meet the needs of researchers and investors, and develop electronic services.

Ministry of Culture appointed Blue Ray to enhance their visibility and proactive communication through the development of a fully dynamic website

Ministry of Youth appointed Blue Ray to enhance their visibility and proactive communication through the development of a fully dynamic website

Ministry of Education - MOE appointed Blue Ray to enhance their visibility and proactive communication through the development of a fully dynamic website

Arab Countries Trading Co Actico appointed Blue Ray to enhance their visibility and proactive communication through the development of a fully dynamic website.

Al Fahed Al Aswad Plastic Factory appointed Blue Ray to enhance their visibility and proactive communication through the development of a fully dynamic website.

Haddadinco Engineering Co for Contracting appointed Blue Ray to enhance their visibility and proactive communication through the development of a fully dynamic website.

Hussain fund for excellence appointed Blue Ray to enhance their visibility and proactive communication through the development of a fully dynamic website

Agricultural Credit Corporation appointed Blue Ray to enhance their visibility and proactive communication through the development of a fully Mobile Application and E-Learning System .